Psychotherapy Counselling Anxiety Bereavement Addictions Eating Disorders
Depression Post Natal Depression Suicide Teenage Problems Confidence
Self Esteem Sex Abuse Separation Divorce Relationships Loss
Fertility Issues Gender Issues Mental Health Mental Illness
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Bernadette Meade B.Sc (hons) M.I.A.C.P
Bernadette Meade B.Sc (hons) M.I.A.C.P graduated from PCI college in 2011 with an Honours Degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Bernadette is a fully accredited member of the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP).
At The Orchard Counselling our approach is mainly person centered but is adjusted to suit the individual client.
We deal with a broad range of issues from anxiety, bereavement, addictions, eating disorders, depression, post natal depression,suicide, teenage problems, confidence and self esteem, sex abuse, separation and divorce, relationships, loss, fertility and gender issues.
Appointments are usually given within a few days. The initial appointment is primarily about meeting, discussing and presenting issues. At this initial appointment we will address the most suitable therapeutic approach, setting realistic goals.
Therapy sessions last one hour, preferably once per week.
Students and unemployed – € 50 per session
All others – € 60 per session
Please complete the email form on the contact page to ask about making an appointment.
Our Clients
Our clients hail from different walks of life , social groups, classes, jobs and ethnic backgrounds. The one true thing that can be said about mental illness is that it does not discriminate in any way, shape or form. Whether problems have been brought on in recent years or are rooted in the past, we just do not know when they will appear and start to affect our lives.
The way we are feeling can leave us with anxiety or drive us to addictions or eating disorders, leave us with low self-esteem or lacking in confidence. What triggers this can vary from loss or bereavement, separation or divorce, the failure of a relationship or sexual abuse. The causes maybe a little more easier to define in cases of post natal depression, gender issues, or fertility problems. Our teenage clients can of course have been subjected to any amount of abuse or just need someone to talk to and listen.
Psychotherapy and Counselling at The Orchard Counselling Practice provides expert assistance, identifying problems and finding coping methods best suited to the situation. Confidential consultations in a relaxed environment helps steer our clients towards the healing process and back on the road to good mental health.
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